The Straight Bullshit

TheStraightBullshit for President!

The problem with politicians is that in order to gain enough support from either of the two main parties to be nominated, they have to compromise their beliefs and values so much, that they are no longer trustworthy to uphold the values that they sell you on.

Here is exactly what I believe, and what I would vote on.

This is what I truly believe is best for the American people, NOT what is best to keep the same people in power year after year – even myself. Here in America we are so proud of innovating, yet we are stuck in a broken two-party system where everyone is afraid to consider a third choice because of so many reasons, chief among them fear instigated and fed by both the Democrats and Republicans.

I am a fellow human – not a politician, and I will not compromise myself or my beliefs for anyone’s vote, for anyone’s ‘support’, for anyone’s money, or because of anyone’s threats – to me, or my position.

That said – I am a human, and I am not perfect. I have made mistakes through my life, just as we all have. And I have learned from them.

And what’s more important I will always continue to learn.

If you think differently on a subject – CHANGE MY MIND. I don’t know everything, and though I always hope to learn more I will never know everything.  If you send evidence, or first hand experiences that you feel I should know, and I will read and consider it all. If you change my mind – I’ll update it here and credit you.

The government is supposed to be ‘By the people, for the people’

If elected President, I would take my position AS YOUR PUBLIC SERVANT AND STEWARD above my own interests. And truly do everything I can to improve the lives of every American AND lift us all up, and NOT hurting our citizens to do it.

Honesty, integrity, and consistency are something we have been denied in our presidential candidates for far too long.

NO MORE – I won’t lie to you, I will do what I say I will, and my decisions on subjects will only change if I truly have been swayed by reason and experience – not by money, or politics, or anything other than truth.





PLEASE SEND QUESTIONS TO BE ADDED – Anything you want to know just ask!


  1. Equality (AND ACCEPTANCE) is an absolute MUST for ALL humankind. We are all part of the human family, and as such all of us deserve the same basic respect and to be treated as such.

I will always push for change that truly fixes the very broken system of government that divides instead of unites us, and try to heal those wounds with a fair system that truly gives everyone equal access and opportunities.

I believe that focusing on acceptance first may be an easier route, because once you accept someone is another living human being just like you – something you can easily do without ‘losing’ a thing – then how can you still argue to deny them the rights that you believe you deserve, for being a living a human being?


  1. The two party system is broken – This could be a whole post by itself, but simple facts are that life is not black and white, so why should we be ‘led’ by people that polarize us and try so hard to ensure there are no other options but black and white?

The manipulation and polarization has got to stop, and this tug of war between two parties plays out the same decade after decade with such slow progress that is always threatened the next time the ‘other side’ wins. Keeping everyone in a state of fear, and how many choices made out of fear are the right ones?

I will ALWAYS fight to create an environment where we have at least 3 or 4 active parties. When it’s just ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality, where is the motivation to find a true compromise that benefits everyone? Once you add in another voice or two, it transforms from a battle where one side or the other has to ‘lose’ something in order for the other side to get their way, to a place where compromise isn’t about ‘losing’ something, but about creating a new better world, with many different voices contributing to that future.


  1. Law enforcement – Needs to be held accountable, so that we as a people can give the good ones the honor and respect that they deserve. We all know that there are many police whose first priority is not the public’s safety, and many that enter into law enforcement in order to gain control & authority that they don’t deserve or earn, to make themselves feel bigger. There are just as many, hopefully more, that join because they really want to make their neighborhoods and their world a safer place for ALL PEOPLE, not just themselves.

We need to CELEBRATE those good people, and give them a voice to make sure they are no longer afraid to speak out about the bad things going on behind blue lines

Law enforcement is given certain authority and powers BY THE PEOPLE THEY SERVE, and as such those come with not just an expectation, but a REQUIREMENT that they DO BETTER, BE BETTER than the average citizen.

They have a responsibility to try and defuse situations without lethal force,

A responsibility to speak out when one of their coworkers is abusing that authority,

A responsibility to BE the change within themselves and their community to MAKE a difference.

To say NO when asked to do something wrong, to say NO when asked to keep quiet (spoken or implied), to say NO when ‘required’ to compromise themselves and their morals to keep the misdeeds of others quiet.

And they need to be demilitarized and focused more on helping than retaliation. There is a reason the US military is not allowed to operate on US soil – and that is because their core training is all about neutralizing ‘threats’ without regard for human life considered an ‘enemy’. The national guards core training is to help and support the American people as ‘friends’.

The police should be taught to help and support first, and THEN if things escalate know how to neutralize the situation with the least loss of life (not just their life). Instead of acting like a military and escalating the situations themselves, and acting in the interest of their own lives above all others.

I’m not saying I want police lives to be lost – it is always a tragedy when good lives are lost regardless of position, race, or occupation.

But just like part of a fireman’s responsibilities, a lot of what they get paid for IS to RISK their lives for the greater good. To BE the best of us, so that they are able to help, and improve, and save, as many lives as possible.

And the more you treat someone as an enemy, the more fear and anger will make you their enemy

BE HUMAN FIRST, law enforcement officer second.

SEE HUMAN FIRST, everything else second.

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